Club des sports

6 sections : Ski, Méribel Sport Montagne (trail and ski touring), ice skate, fly fishing, clay pigeon shooting and cycling. Missions : Development of sport activities and organisation of sports events.

  • Opening periods From 18/04 to 28/06/2024, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

    Closed exceptionally on bank holidays.
  • Location Méribel 73550 - 550 Route Albert Gacon - Parc Olympique - Méribel
  • Methods of payment Check, Cash, Bank/credit card
  • Spoken languages English, French

  • Age group from 3
  • Pets allowed No


  • Address 550 Route Albert Gacon - Parc Olympique, 73550 Méribel

Additional location Club des Sports de Méribel's office is located in the Parc Olympique. Through the roc climbing entrance, 2nd floor by the elevator or the stairs.